Monday, June 8, 2015

Tip: Engage Your Customers via Facebook

If you're like most small businesses, word-of-mouth is still the most effective way for you to reach new customers. This word of mouth can happen in person or online.

When someone recommends a business to you, what's the first thing you do? If you're like a lot of people, you pull out your smartphone or jump on your computer and search for the business online. You may visit the business's website, but you may also review sites to see what other people are saying. You may also turn to your friends on Facebook to see what type of information you can find there. This is the new word-of-mouth.

If your business is already on Facebook, how are you engaging with fans? I can help you run a sweepstakes, or design a coupon offer to engage and grow your fan base. Remember, the goal is to create that social word-of-mouth!

Grow your Facebook fan base with Constant Contact.
Ready to get started? Call me today for a free consultation.

Jim Pagiamtzis
Core Certified solution Provider/ Founder of 21 Connections

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