Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Spotlight : Gabriel Pitman

With a background in physics you made a change to psychological illusions and hypnosis. What prompted the change?

While I was en route to a PhD in physics at The University of Toronto, I felt a lack of balance in my life. I was academically challenged on a daily basis by the research that I was carrying out, and I enjoyed that very much, however, I felt that other aspects of my work and my life seemed to be lacking focus.

I knew that I had to make a choice in order to develop a sense of fulfillment and balance, so I decided to jetsam my doctoral pursuit with the purpose of fully exploring what I valued; more than academia alone could ever offer.

This decision, of course, wasn't easy. I knew that I valued both being challenged and continually learning, so that was something that needed to stay in my life, while at the same time incorporating all of my other values and talents into my ideal lifestyle.

So I went off and started my own business - Gabriello Pitman LIVE - where I would use my talents and knowledge to direct, produce and perform shows and run a business in the entrainment industry. I know this sounds like a long stretch from physics, but the underlying mechanics behind performing quality illusions is just as exciting as quantum physics on many levels. And of course, quantum physics isn’t going to disappear so I can still continue to enjoy reading such subject matter without the required commitment that academic research demands. 


 Being an presenter and sharing and doing magic to large audience is a great gift, what insights can you share to people looking at getting into the field of speaking to audience.

Leaving all of the technical stuff aside, here's what I've always wanted others to tell me: Just have fun. Yes you will be nervous and think you're underprepared, and what that's telling you is that you really care about what you're about to do. So just go up there and have fun. Often leading up to a show I'll watch video footage of other exceptional performers. In doing so you'll unconsciously pick up on their confidence and mimic it. And if you feel incompetent, all the better. Go out there and fake it. Turn it into a game. Ask yourself "how well can I fake it this time?" Eventually it'll become natural.

To learn more about Gabriel Pitman. 

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