Monday, February 20, 2012

Networking to get results at events!

There are events and seminars happening throughout the month that you are attending and taking the time, energy and money to network. You must be prepared for the opportunity and be able to follow up with goal to achieve desired results.

Networking is concept that has to be done on an ongoing basis to create momentum to yield you results. Attracting qualified clients that you can offer you specific packages that you offer is the goal.


Building your list in one aspect that is important to do a daily basis whether your meeting people online or offline, there are important resources that will begin to add up with connections on LinkedIn and other social networking sites you belong to.
It all begins with you business with is your billboard and your most important marketing tool you have that you can leverage in any situation. When you are at a networking event or going bowling with friends, being prepared for the opportunity is the most strategy to remember. American Express has a great saying “never leave home without it” same goes for you business card, its part of you like the clothes you wear every day.


You have an expertise in specific areas from networking, wealth to resources you want to share, important aspect of networking is you to be able to fill the needs of others. Recently at an event where I noticed that attendee didn’t have a website for his construction business, high recommended that he should have a website that is prospective clients should visit, offered to email him some of my contacts to assist him with that.
When you hand you business cards out you can advise you contacts that “you appreciate referrals and will to offer compensation for completed transactions” this creates a strong signal of confidence your abilities and willing to create a win-win situation.


The most important part in creating a strong networking system is the ability to monetize easy and effectively. Knowing your product and the package that specifically is best for you potential client.

Have a follow-up system that create results with every contact you meet will either you yield you a meeting to do presentation or connection for future.
Making follow-up calls within 24hr is imperative in your execution of your complete package. The ability to pick up of the phone and connection is the only way to create a strong connection. Do not rely on only sending email appreciating meeting your connections or just adding them to your LinkedIn connection or to your monthly newsletter, which can be done a later time.

Your goal is to deal with the strong leads in a timely manner. Increase you database is an important part of the networking strategy which needs to be done. Be aware that the warm leads are important because you either made a commitment with them or left a good impression that they want to learn more about your products or services.
Doing the above mention strategies over and over again will get you the results you need to have a growing and profitable business.

Go out there and Get Connected Make Wealth Happen!

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