Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Power of Networking

Yesterday I went to a luncheon held by the bank that
we do business with.

Honestly, I don't do a lot of local networking as most of
our business is done outside of Louisville, but this seemed
like too good of an opportunity to pass up.

So within an hour an a half I got to:

:: Tell about 60 of the most influential people in Louisville
briefly about our businesses.

:: Connect with a gentleman who has 475 local employees
and had an interest in corporate fitness - so hopefully I can
connect him with a couple of our local franchisees.

:: Meet someone who potentially has an interest in making
a six-figure equipment purchase through us.

:: Spend some time getting to know several very successful
business owners.

I've gotten lazy about this sort of thing as 99% of our business
is done outside of Louisville - but you can still see how potentially
beneficial this was for us... just imagine how key it could be for
a local business like yours.

In fact my opinion is this: if you're not doing at least a couple
networking oriented things a month you're essentially saying
'my business is good enough as it is.'

Remember - everything you want in your business hinges on
people - be it more clients, a new space, public speaking opportunities,
corporate wellness gigs... they all can come from personal contacts.

Are you adding to and cultivating yours?

Dedicated to Your Success,

 Pat Rigsby

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