Saturday, June 18, 2011

Spotlight: Dan Sullivan

He has written book on Unique Abilities and Laws of  Lifetime Growth and has a successful practice called the Strategic Coach which has training and produced thousand of successful business owners.

1st Question

Your book  Unique  Ability: Creating the Life you want explains that each of us has personal talents, passions and skills, but many of us have not take the time to identify them. How can adviser clarity their unique ability and use it to share their life’s work?

It’s a simple exercise. Draw a picture of  two interlocking circles, with an overlap in the middle. Representing  the two  areas  that identify your unique ability. In the left-hand circle, write  down every ability that you always feel confident in, things held accountable for. It’s never just one thing;  it’s  usually two or three. For example, we have one of the largest coaching companies in the world, but I have almost nothing to do with running the company. There are only three activities I always feel excited and confident about being held accountable for: creating new concepts for the program, coaching and marketing. Those three go into my circle, and there wouldn’t be another single activity in my life that would make its way in there.

The right-hand side is: who do you want to a here to? There are people who make  a lot of money, but they don’t want to be hero to the people who are actually writing them the checks for what they’re doing. They do it for the money, but they don’t have any particular passion for it. If  you want a prescription for unhappiness in life, just make a lot of money doing it for people that you don’t particularly like. So make sure that people in the right-hand circle are people that you want to be a hero to, and call also write large checks.

Once people  lock into this, it’s almost like your set for life, because these are thing don’t change. What  you are  like at  25 is what you’re going  to be like at 65.

2nd Question

In your most recent book the Dan Sullivan Question you explain that entrepreneurs competing for business usually place importance on having the best answer, when in fact having the right question is more integral, particularly in getting to know your clients. What questions do you  recommend  planners have at the ready?

Never, ever try to sell something in the first meeting; make the entire meeting about the client. I’ve developed a first-meeting question that identifies the client’s future in this way: “If we were having this discussion 3 years from today, what has to  happen in your life both personally and professionally, to make you happy about your progress?”

Unless you get the entire landscape of the client out, you really don’t know where any kind of   financial solution is going to fit into this person’s life. Go as broad as you can say. “I’d like to get a feel for where you’re heading as a person  because I don’t know whether I’m the right person for you or if what I offer is right for you.

This is totally a good- citizenship approach, but it’s got a subtle competitive advantage to it: people are used to being sold to that if you approach the client with a totally open-minded question about them, not about you and your products or your track record- you’ve just differentiated yourself from 99 percent of  your competitors, It not about you at all, but strictly about them.

There a three thing you want to get clear: What do you see as a danger in their life that three year from now has to be eliminated from their life for them to feel happy?  What are the opportunities they have now to move forward?  And what strengths do they have right now, things that are already working, that they like to see maximized over the next three years?  Then have a conversation about that.

For more information on Dan Sullivan coaching services   go to

*Information was used form article called Dan Sullivan on Tapping your Entrepreneurial Strengths by Tom Nawrocki

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