Monday, March 9, 2009

Are you creating Value?

In these economic times they best way to attract and retain new clients is by creating value for you new customers and friends. From giving out Guest passes to the local gym to inviting them to local events of interest.
We are all connect these days via email, phone and social websites. Everyone celebrates a Birthday during the year and a quick phone call to say "Hello" is always appreciated.
As entrepreneurs we are growing and learning on a daily basis. We serve into the community and we expand our social circles on monthly and yearly basis. Remember that your potential client may not need your services now but maybe later they may.
There are lots a great books available today. Take the time to ask if your potential customer and clients enjoy reading and if they have interests in particular subject matter. Book on your bookshelf won't help anyone but in some hands they will.
Have seen more than a few lives change due loaning of book from 360 Degree Leader by John C. Maxwell to Secret of Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker
So remember when your going out networking and meeting new people are you creating value so that you can be expand your social circle or just shaking another hand and moving on.
Get ConnectedMake IT Happen! is predicated to the fact that we "connect" on a daily basis and its our choice if we want to "make things happen". No matter what we do and who we are, sharing wisdom and knowledge is the greatest gift we can give to create a better society.

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